With the introduction of my new blog I figured it was time I introduce myself! I’m Jamie – The face behind Mindfully Gray. I’ve decided to share some of the questions I was asked when being featured in the Everything Home Magazine – I figured it would be a great way to share a little bit more about me and my home decor style.

How Would You Describe Your Home Style?
Such a tough question! For the longest time I couldn’t put a name to my style – Someone once said you should just say your style is “Me”! A style of my own – I love that! The more I’ve thought about it the more I’d say my style is modern farmhouse / rustic. I l admire farmhouse style that is ever so popular; however, it isn’t totally “me”. We live in a ranch style home built in 1957. I’ve tried to blend modern elements with the classic farmhouse style – Crisp clean lines, black and white, and simplicity incorporated with grays, warmth, pipe shelving, rustic elements, and greenery. When I look around at our house, it feels like “us” and it feels like home.

Where is your favorite place to look or shop for Home Decor? Why?
Two words: Antique Shops! The first weekend of every month here in Kansas City there is an event called “Warehouse Weekends” – Old warehouses, several stories high are FILLED with antiques. Since moving to Kansas City I haven’t missed a weekend. It’s there I found my old church pew, the barn door that hangs on the back wall in our dining room, the antique door which we have hung from a track outside our guest bathroom, along with many other treasures. Antique shops are my favorite because I love finding new purposes for old pieces, mixing old pieces with new, and most of all, I love having pieces in our home that tell a story. The church pew for example, if only it could talk! I’d love to know where it came from, who sat on it, what hymns were sung from it, who knelt in front of it and what their prayers were.

How do you start designing a space? Or do you just go with the flow? Is there inspiration for your Home Decor style?
Designing a space takes time. I usually start by finding one staple piece. I used to rush to fill a space as quickly as I could – I would purchase items I liked but didn’t necessarily love. Since moving into our current house I have tried to decorate one room at a time and take it slow. Nothing beats finding the perfect piece! I’m indecisive by nature, so if I get something home I’m not crazy about I don’t hesitate to take it back and wait for the right thing to come along.

Are there specific items you look for when up-cycling? If so, what items and why?
When it comes to up-cycling I love taking risks. Before owning a home I wasn’t afraid to purchase an awesome oversized item – I would tell myself “one day we will own a home and I will find a place for this piece!” Believe it or not, I bought the church pew before we owned a home. I asked the storeowner if I could store it in the back of her shop until we owned a home because I simply could not pass it up. Luckily, she said yes! It made moving into our home all the more exciting – I finally got to find a place for the treasures I had collected over the years. I don’t necessarily purchase large items as often anymore in order to maintain a simple / minimalistic style; however, if I see an item I can’t pass up you bet I’ll make room! My most recent find is an antique mantle, taken from a house built in the 1800’s. I could tell it was a gem when we picked it up, despite the fact that it was in about ten different pieces, covered in spider webs. We’ve pieced it back together and are in the process of sanding and staining it now. I can’t wait to mount it to the wall in our master bedroom.

Feel free to comment below with a brief intro! I’d love to know more about you, as well! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by!
The way you describe your style and how it fits your personality is very heartwarming. I look forward to seeing further posts with new items and lots of ideas.