It FINALLY feels like we are making strides. BIG strides. This evening, I walked in and a few of the walls had paint on them! It’s amazing what a difference paint makes. With our home being built in 1957, the walls and ceilings had/have many imperfections. The painters filled in cracks, sanded, and applied one coat of paint on the walls/ceiling in the dining room, living room, and kitchen. The house looks (and smells) brand spankin’ new.
They also began to install some of our new recessed lights, grout the kitchen backsplash and are installing kitchen hardware tomorrow. Any day they will begin to construct the fireplace. What a difference that will make in the living room. The new openness between the living and dining with the focal point being a newly bricked fireplace. Swoon.
Here’s what the house looks like now:

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