Our sweet rainbow baby, Parker, made her grand entrance April 17 at 5:33am. Her arrival was nothing short of a miracle – I am still wrapping my head around it.
I love reading and hearing birth stories so if you’re like me, this story is for you! I’m not holding back either – I’m sharing all the details so if you’re not into that sort of thing, close the browser now.
To begin, my due date was April 29. I found out at my 36 week ultrasound that the baby was breeched. At the time, I wasn’t too worried because I knew she had plenty of time to flip. I started seeing a chiropractor who specialized in flipping babies three times a week and I did ALL the spinning babies tricks. I thought she had flipped only to find out at 37 weeks and a few days she was still very much breeched. It was extremely disheartening. Delivering a healthy baby safely is (of course) the most important part but I was willing to do everything in my power to avoid a c-section. I delivered Bennett naturally (by choice) for numerous reasons and wanted to give Parker the same birth, if possible.
Fast forward to 2am on April 16, I started having contractions. They were about 15 minutes apart and painful enough to keep me from sleeping. Later that morning I went to a chiropractor and acupuncture appointment. I was still having contractions but thought they were Braxton Hicks. As the day went on the contractions continued still 15 minutes apart but increasing in intensity.
Around 8pm I was in a lot of pain – Trying to breathe through the contractions. I was convinced I was having prodromal labor (which is basically fake labor and common in breech baby situations) – I drove to Walgreens around 9pm to buy magnesium to stop the “fake labor” (oh silly, Jamie – little did I know there was no stopping what was coming). Around midnight I went and got Brett. I was throwing up and completely exhausted. He rubbed my back and we called the doctor. The on-call doctor seemed to believe it wasn’t real labor since I was having contractions but I wasn’t bleeding (bleeding usually means dilation).
I took a bath and kept going all while thinking it was for nothing or prodromal labor. Fast forward to 4am, I was screaming and in a ton of pain. Contractions were still irregular (around 15 min apart, sometimes less, sometimes more). I was waiting for the 5-1-1 rule (contractions 5 min apart lasting for one min). We called my doula and she told me to take another bath. I got in the bath and immediately the “bloody show” (TMI, I know) happened and I could tell my body was pushing. At that moment, I panicked and knew this wasn’t “fake” labor anymore. I cried out to God from the tub – Praying for a healthy baby and for a safe, vaginal delivery after having labored for so long! I then told Brett to call 911 because the baby was coming out. I panicked knowing the baby was breeched. The dispatcher was asking so many questions. While on the phone with 911, Brett got Bennett in the car and we started driving to the hospital. I told Brett to hang up the phone cause it hit me – there was no way I was having that baby breeched at home, the car, or in a hospital ER (verses our hospital’s birth center).
We arrived to the hospital at 5:29am. My water broke in the lobby while I was on all fours (not my most shining moment). They rushed me to a room (although it felt like it took 1837471 years for the elevator to arrive). Because of Covid, Bennett wasn’t allowed inside so Brett stayed in the car with her. He was calling our friends trying to find someone we trust to take her. He actually drove to our friend’s house and banged on the windows and doors trying to wake them to take Bennett but they didn’t answer.
When I got to a room and on the bed, I spread my legs and the nurse said “WE HAVE FEET!” The nurses in the room turned white. They asked if I had a c-section planned and if I knew she was breeched. I said yes (gulp). I even had a version scheduled for two days later to try and flip the baby as a last ditch effort. An older doctor came in and said because of her age and experience she would attempt a vaginal delivery. I was so thankful (considering the baby was already coming out!!)
Side note: two days prior I had a dream that I had a vaginal breech delivery and I woke up with total peace about it. I thought “why not me? Why not a breech delivery??” I knew that Bennett “fit” without issues and this baby would likely be a similar size so… why not!? I truly believe that dream was from the Lord; calming my anxious mind, reassuring me that He had a plan and not to worry.

I felt her body come out relatively easy. When it came time to push her head out I NEVER STOPPED PUSHING. With Bennett, I pushed with each contraction and then would rest but my doctor earlier in the week explained to me the risks of delivering a breeched baby. The main risk is they lose oxygen because their head is stuck in the birth canal for too long. So when I had to push her head out I pushed so freaking hard and refused to stop (I even broke two blood vessels in my eye from pushing so hard lol).
It felt like I was pushing for forever but four minutes after walking into the hospital our Parker girl was born. The cord was around her neck, she was sunny side up, and in a footling breeched position.
Brett was sad he wasn’t in the room when she was born (our doula never made it either). Our dear friend came to the hospital 30 min later to take Bennett from him and he was then able to come up to the room. Parker wasn’t breathing right when she came out so it was a few minutes before I was able to hold her (they had to look her over closely). Once they placed her on my chest I didn’t really look at her closely. I was (kinda) traumatized from the whole experience and in pain while getting stitched up. When Brett came in we looked at her in awe. We both felt an instant connection. She heard his voice and opened her eyes, so alert. It was a really sweet moment.
After two miscarriages, and a subchronic hemorrhage with this pregnancy, Parker is a true miracle. Her middle name Hope, represents the hope we put in the Lord and how we held out Hope knowing the Lord would restore our brokenness, and make beauty from ashes.
He delivered! She is a dream and we are so thankful. The last month has been amazing – Bennett loves her little sister and smothers her (a little too much) in lots of love and affection. Parker is alert and gave us her first intentional smile the day before turning one month old.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell this story without sharing the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord for the miracle that is Parker Hope.
Photos by Angela Slatten Photography
A miracle indeed and one strong mama! God is good!
Wow! Reading this story in her own words (with details I didn’t even know happened) reminds me of what a true miracle this sweet grandbaby is to our family. She is so precious and will always be a reminder to not lose HOPE in the midst of loss. Parker Hope you are so loved and cherished.
You are a Super Mom!
As and L&D Nurse so many things could be said about this Amazzzzaaazing delivery! By the Grace of God and your hard work it’s beyond impressive your attitude about it all. I feel the dream was God’s way of letting you know that with him all things are possible 🙏🏻
Congratulation! Parker is a little miracle baby. Such a blessing.
Precious family you have. Blessing to all of you 🥰
Praise the Lord that you and your sweet baby girl are safe and healthy!
Congratulations to you and your husband!
What a beautiful story filled with all the ups and downs life brings and the saving grace and peace our savior brings to us through it all! Thank you for sharing! And great job, Mama!
Wow! Reading this story in her own words (with details I didn’t even know happened) reminds me of what a true miracle this sweet grandbaby is to our family. She is so precious and will always be a reminder to not lose HOPE in the midst of loss. Parker Hope you are so loved and cherished.
Thank you for sharing these private, precious moments with us and for giving GOD the glory! You are a strong warrior mama! Congratulations on escorting those 2 beautiful girls into this world…can you imagine all the adventures you and Brett will share with them ahead?!! PTL, Hugs to you all♥
My heart 🥺🥺 I love her so much!