Our sweet baby Jones’ birth story was eventful yet peaceful and perfect. If you’ve followed me for any length of time you know I delivered Parker breeched four minutes after arriving to the hospital (I don’t recommend doing that). Fortunately, this time around we made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare. Oh, and the baby came out head first – so that’s a win!
(You can read Parker’s birth story here)

I can’t talk about Jones’ birth without first telling you about THE STORM.
My due date was July 15. The afternoon of July 14th a severe storm blew through taking out our power and tearing down massive tree branches (tree branches even fell on the power lines in our backyard). I had lost my mucus plug that morning (TMI, sorry) so I knew labor was likely to happen within the next few days. When we lost power we knew we needed to stay elsewhere. Our friends south of us offered for us to stay in their home. They had power and a finished basement with a private guest room and bathroom. We warned them I might go into labor at any point so they were prepared (I think they were excited at the possibility)!

We got to their house that evening and got the girls settled. After I went to bed (around 11pm) I felt a pop and a small gush of fluid. I told Brett I thought my water broke and I waddled over to the bathroom. My water had broke but it was just leaking at this point. Throughout the entire night I kept leaking and feeling little gushes but I wasn’t having consistent contractions. I didn’t have a pad so I was using a diaper. Not my finest moment but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do.

The fluid was oderless and clear so I knew there wasn’t a reason to rush to the hospital just yet. I tried to get as much sleep as possible. The next morning (July 15) we went back to our house. Brett and some friends cleaned up the yard and removed trees from our power lines while I bathed the girls and packed their bags cause I knew we’d be heading to the hospital soon. After we got back to our friends house I laid Parker down for a nap and went curb walking (while panicking slightly). I was terrified at the thought of having another natural / unmedicated birth. I didn’t realize until this pregnancy how much PTSD I had from Parker’s birth. I was so scared of the pain and doubted myself. I knew I was going to go through with it, and it never made me question whether or not to get an epidural (I made up my mind, that wasn’t an option), but I was still scared for the pain ahead.

During and after my walk, I was having contractions but they were mild and inconsistent. My water continued to leak. When I got back from curb walking I told Brett I was ready to go to the hospital.
I told the girls bye, we loaded the car and headed to the birth center. We got there around 3pm and I was already dilated to 5cm which was encouraging considering I wasn’t in too much pain yet. I got settled into my room and Brett left to tell the girls bye and grab a bag. While he was gone I hung up my affirmation signs, squatted, walked around and used the heck out of the yoga ball. When he got back an hour or so later he was surprised by how my contractions had picked up. I had never labored at the hospital when the sun was out so it felt like a whole new experience.
Within the next couple hours things really picked up. The only comfortable position for me was on the yoga ball, leaning on the bed. We had worship music playing and I found comfort in watching my contractions come and go on the heart rate monitor screen. Brett rubbed my back during each contraction and my nurses encouraged me.

My OB surprised me and came in even though she wasn’t on call and I was a ball of emotions! It meant the world. By 5pm I was in active labor.

Around 8pm I felt the urge to push. I was on the birth ball and my OB asked if I wanted to deliver standing – Heck no. I asked Brett to help me on the bed and I grabbed onto him for dear life. I laid on my side and my body did the pushing. I tried to take it as slow as possible to avoid tearing. Within a couple pushes, Jones was born at 8:12pm weighing 6lbs 14oz, 20.25in long. Our second spontaneous due date baby!

His birth was so much easier compared to the girls and much shorter. This time around I did pelvic floor exercises and stretches daily throughout the third trimester in hopes that I would have an easier labor and delivery. I swear the exercise helped tremendously!
A few minutes after Jones was born a labor and delivery nurse informed Brett he had vernix on his face. His reaction of complete shock and disgust had me rolling! I told him throughout my pregnancy he was my doula so it was only fitting he got a little vernix on him. I can’t think about that moment without laughing!

The birth center was packed because of the severe storm. The change in atmospheric pressure broke lots of waters that night! The morning I was discharged was the same morning we got our power back and we were all able to go home! When driving home, you would’ve thought a tornado had blown threw based on the damage. I was beyond thankful to bring our new baby home to OUR house.
The past month has flown by but also has felt slow and sweet. I’ve tried my best to savor every moment. As a seasoned mom, I know the tough days / nights are seasons and nothing to stress over. In a few months the baby will sleep through the night, won’t fall asleep on my chest (as easily), and will be crawling all over the place. Until then, I cherish nighttime feedings cause it’s quiet and it’s just us, and I melt during every contact nap.

Jones is so loved (especially by his sisters), and is a gift from God. Jones means “God is gracious” and happens to be my maiden name. His middle name is Allan after Brett’s late father. We loved that Jones was a strong name with meaning and blended a bit of both of us (with his first and middle name).
Like I said, his birth wasn’t as eventful as Parker but I’m thankful for a healthy delivery and baby. Thank you, Jesus.

The insanely talented, best newborn photographer in the world, Angela Slatten took all of these pics a week after Jones was born! Moments after I got a positive pregnancy test I emailed Angela and reserved our spot because she’s the best there is.
Such treasured pictures of your story. All of these such wonderful memories in journal form.
He’s a handsome little dude!
What a lovely story! Why wasn’t an epidural an option for you? I am pregnant with my first and am trying to learn all the pros and cons of the various childbirth options.
It wasn’t an option for me because I learned about the benefits of having an unmedicated birth and decided to go that route. The book “Mama Natural” taught me a lot about the pros!
Your birth story is so beautiful and your glorifying God with your life is so moving! I love your signs in your room and reading them brought me to tears. I’m seventy now and have been married to my love for 38 years. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God. You are truly blessed.
Thank you so much!! Your comment made my day! I truly appreciate your kind words.